About Our School
Rancho Rosal Elementary School
Established: 2007
School Motto: Focusing on educating the whole child
Principal: Jacey Dexter
Colors: Black and White
Mascot: Stallion
Current Enrollment: 641
Rancho Rosal faculty and staff collaborate to foster partnerships to improve the lives of their Stallions. In addition to dedicated teachers, a supportive office staff, and an incredibly active PTA, Rancho Rosal partners with the YMCA in order to provide students a strong PE program in grades TK-3 and a swim program in grade 3. Rancho Rosal is the second of two PVSD schools that have implemented the student leadership initiative, The Leader in Me. Students are engaged in a variety of cross-age collaboration activities to foster social, emotional, and academic benefits. Rancho Rosal students have access to state-of-the-art technology integration and enrichment, including: engineering and design concepts, robotics, and coding, stop motion digital movies, green screen technology, snap circuits, Makerspaces activities, 1:1 devices, and electronic portfolios. Enrichment opportunities include visual and performing arts, academic competitions, and after school clubs for robotics, art, and track.